At this time, members of the public may address the Council on matters not listed on the agenda within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council, provided that NO action may be taken on off-agenda items unless authorized by law. Public Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.
Dear City Council Members,
As a resident in the City of Orange for over 40 years, I believe I have the right to speak up on a matter that gravely concerns our neighborhood. We were made aware that a homeless emergency shelter was going to be coming to our neighborhood on the property located at 688 S. Hewes. We were *invited* to meet with Illumination at the property so they could tell us what their plans were and discuss any concerns we may have. When meeting with Illumination Foundation we were all shocked at not just the fact that no one had told us about this but also in the manner they spoke to us at the meeting. We were told that they didn't have to notify us, that they didn't need anyone's approval and they had spoke with the Mayor and he was ok with it. First off, myself and others in our neighbor will not be bullied by someone telling us that they can do whatever they want in our neighborhood and we have to like it. Those are mafia tactics and holding people hostage. Secondly, there are so many zoning violations to having a 30 person homeless shelter in an R1 zoned neighborhood. Not including the property building code violations, the traffic, business violations, and occupancy violations, this will significantly cause a drop in property value in the area. According to NAR (National Association of Realtors), property values historically drop in value by 12.7% when located near a homeless shelter. Those are facts and studies to back it up. Plus, it would need to be disclosed to any potential buyer that there is a homeless shelter nearby and I can assure you, people do not Want to live next to a shelter. As property owners who have worked hard to purchase a home in this area,, we are very much against the strong arm tactics being used by Illumination Foundation. Just because you were given three million dollars to purchase a home, does not mean you get to just come in and take over a neighborhood. We are asking that you take the necessary steps and not allow this facility in our neighborhood
Dear City Council Members,
As a resident in the City of Orange for over 40 years, I believe I have the right to speak up on a matter that gravely concerns our neighborhood. We were made aware that a homeless emergency shelter was going to be coming to our neighborhood on the property located at 688 S. Hewes. We were *invited* to meet with Illumination at the property so they could tell us what their plans were and discuss any concerns we may have. When meeting with Illumination Foundation we were all shocked at not just the fact that no one had told us about this but also in the manner they spoke to us at the meeting. We were told that they didn't have to notify us, that they didn't need anyone's approval and they had spoke with the Mayor and he was ok with it. First off, myself and others in our neighbor will not be bullied by someone telling us that they can do whatever they want in our neighborhood and we have to like it. Those are mafia tactics and holding people hostage. Secondly, there are so many zoning violations to having a 30 person homeless shelter in an R1 zoned neighborhood. Not including the property building code violations, the traffic, business violations, and occupancy violations, this will significantly cause a drop in property value in the area. According to NAR (National Association of Realtors), property values historically drop in value by 12.7% when located near a homeless shelter. Those are facts and studies to back it up. Plus, it would need to be disclosed to any potential buyer that there is a homeless shelter nearby and I can assure you, people do not Want to live next to a shelter. As property owners who have worked hard to purchase a home in this area,, we are very much against the strong arm tactics being used by Illumination Foundation. Just because you were given three million dollars to purchase a home, does not mean you get to just come in and take over a neighborhood. We are asking that you take the necessary steps and not allow this facility in our neighborhood